Archive for the 'HijackThis' Category

What is EBUNWVLUMV, How to remove EBUNWVLUMV

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

EBUNWVLUMV is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Filename: {random}.exe
Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | EBUNWVLUMV

Command: %Temp%\{random}.exe
Startup Type: HKCU->Run
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [EBUNWVLUMV] C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Mrh.exe

DDS Line:

uRun: [EBUNWVLUMV] C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\Mrh.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:


Description: trojan FakeAlert, also known as Mal/FakeAV-CX [Sophos]

How to remove: use HijackThis + Malwarebytes` Anti-malware or the steps below.

1. Download OTM by OldTimer from here and save to your desktop.
Run OTM, copy,then paste the following text in “Paste Instructions for Items to be Moved” window (under the yellow bar):



Click the red Moveit! button. If you are asked to reboot the machine choose Yes. When the tool is finished, it will produce a report for you.

2. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install and perform a scan.

What is nettir32.exe, How to remove nettir32.exe

Thursday, June 17th, 2010

nettir32.exe is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: nettir32
Filename: nettir32.exe
Command: %userProfile%\start menu\programs\startup\nettir32.exe
Startup Type: Startup folder
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – Startup: nettir32.exe

DDS Line:

StartupFolder: c:\documents and settings\user\start menu\programs\startup\nettir32.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Description: trojan

How to remove: use HijackThis + Kaspersky virus removal tool

What is Siszpe32.exe, How to remove Siszpe32.exe

Tuesday, June 15th, 2010

Siszpe32.exe is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: Siszpe32
Filename: Siszpe32.exe
Command: %userProfile%\start menu\programs\startup\siszyd32.exe
Startup Type: Startup folder
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – Startup: siszpe32.exe

DDS Line:

StartupFolder: c:\documents and settings\user\start menu\programs\startup\Siszpe32.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

C:\Documents and Settings\user\Start Menu\Programs\Startup

Description: trojan

How to remove: use HijackThis + Kaspersky virus removal tool or the steps below.

What is defcnt.exe, How to remove defcnt.exe

Saturday, June 12th, 2010

defcnt.exe is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: defcnt
Filename: defcnt.exe
Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | Defense Center

Command: C:\Program Files\Defense Center\defcnt.exe
Startup Type: HKCU->Run
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [Defense Center] “C:\Program Files\Defense Center\defcnt.exe” -noscan

DDS Line:

uRun: [Defense Center] C:\Program Files\Defense Center\defcnt.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

“Defense Center”=C:\Program Files\Defense Center\defcnt.exe

Description: core component of Defense Center. Defense Center is a rogue antispyware program.

How to remove: use these Defense Center removal guide or the steps below.

1. Download from here, unzip it. Double Click fix.reg and click YES for confirm.

2. Download OTM by OldTimer from here and save to your desktop.
Run OTM, copy,then paste the following text in “Paste Instructions for Items to be Moved” window (under the yellow bar):

“Defense Center”=-

C:\Program Files\Defense Center

Click the red Moveit! button. Close OTM.

3. Download TDSSKiller from here and unzip to your desktop. Open tdsskiller folder and right click to TDSSKiller, select Rename. Type something like 123myname and press Enter. Double click it and follow the prompts.

4. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install and perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).

What is setupupdater0000.exe, How to remove setupupdater0000.exe

Wednesday, June 9th, 2010

setupupdater0000.exe is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: setupupdater0000
Filename: setupupdater0000.exe
Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | setupupdater0000.exe

Command: command
Startup Type: HKCU->Run
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [setupupdater0000.exe] C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\05E12D033EF62454BD6741DB6F0E6554\setupupdater0000.exe

DDS Line:

uRun: [setupupdater0000.exe] C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\05E12D033EF62454BD6741DB6F0E6554\setupupdater0000.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

“setupupdater0000.exe”=C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\05E12D033EF62454BD6741DB6F0E6554\setupupdater0000.exe [2010-06-08 1066496]

Description: core component of Antimalware Doctor. Antimalware Doctor is a rogue antispyware program.

How to remove: use the Antimalware Doctor removal instructions or the steps below.

1. Download OTM by OldTimer from here and save to your desktop.
Run OTM, copy,then paste the following text in “Paste Instructions for Items to be Moved” window (under the yellow bar):



Click the red Moveit! button. If you are asked to reboot the machine choose Yes. When the tool is finished, it will produce a report for you.

2. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install, perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).

What is, How to remove

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 is a malicious website

remove The site was created to spread Antispyware Soft. If your browser is redirected to, then you should immediately check your PC using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

IP Address:
Site addess:
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Description: is not related with legitimate security company and can only be seen on infected computers. The site used to promote the rogue antispyware program called Antispyware Soft.

How to remove: use these Antispyware Soft removal instructions or the steps below in order to remove this infections.
1. Download HijackThis from here and save it to your desktop. Most important, in the Save dialog, rename HijackThis.exe to iexplore.exe !!!
2. Run HijackThis. Main menu opens. Click to “Do a system scan only” button. After HijackThis completes the system scan, check the box to the left of the following items:

R1 – HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = http=
O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Please be very careful, do NOT check any other boxes! Next, click on Fix checked on the bottom left side of the HijackThis screen. Close HijackThis.
3. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install, perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).

What is, How to remove

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 is a malicious website

remove The site was created to spread Antispyware Soft. If your browser is redirected to, then you should immediately check your PC using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

IP Address:
Site addess:
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Description: is not related with legit security company and can only be seen on infected computers. The site used to promote the rogue antispyware program called Antispyware Soft.

How to remove: use these Antispyware Soft removal instructions or the steps below in order to remove this infections.
1. Download HijackThis from here and save it to your desktop. Most important, in the Save dialog, rename HijackThis.exe to iexplore.exe !!!
2. Run HijackThis. Main menu opens. Click to “Do a system scan only” button. After HijackThis completes the system scan, check the box to the left of the following items:

R1 – HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = http=
O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Please be very careful, do NOT check any other boxes! Next, click on Fix checked on the bottom left side of the HijackThis screen. Close HijackThis.
3. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install, perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).

What is cntprot.exe, How to remove cntprot.exe

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

cntprot.exe is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: cntprot
Filename: cntprot.exe
Registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | Protection Center

Command: C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe
Startup Type: HKCU->Run
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [Protection Center] “C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe” -noscan

DDS Line:

uRun: [Protection Center] C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

“Protection Center”=C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe

Description: core component of Protection Center. Protection Center is a rogue antispyware program.

How to remove: use the Protection Center removal instructions or the steps below.

1. Download from here, unzip it. Double Click fix.reg and click YES for confirm. Reboot your computer.

2. Download TDSSKiller from here and unzip to your desktop. Open tdsskiller folder and right click to TDSSKiller, select Rename. Type something like 123myname and press Enter. Double click it and follow the prompts.

3. Download OTM by OldTimer from here and save to your desktop.
Run OTM, copy,then paste the following text in “Paste Instructions for Items to be Moved” window (under the yellow bar):

“Protection Center”=-

C:\Program Files\Protection Center


Click the red Moveit! button. If you are asked to reboot the machine choose Yes. When the tool is finished, it will produce a report for you.

3. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install, perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).

What is Protection Center, How to remove Protection Center

Tuesday, June 1st, 2010

Protection Center is a malicious program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Threat Type: rogue antispyware
Registry key:

“Protection Center

Command: C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [Protection Center] “C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe” -noscan

DDS Line:

uRun: [Protection Center] C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe

Combofix/RSIT Line:

“Protection Center”=C:\Program Files\Protection Center\cntprot.exe

Description: Protection Center is a rogue antispyware program, which uses false scan results and fake security alerts as an attempt to trick you into buying full version of the software.

How to remove: use the Protection Center removal instructions or the steps below.

1. Download from here, unzip it. Double Click fix.reg and click YES for confirm. Reboot your computer.

2. Download TDSSKiller from here and unzip to your desktop. Open tdsskiller folder and right click to TDSSKiller, select Rename. Type something like 123myname and press Enter. Double click it and follow the prompts.

3. Download OTM by OldTimer from here and save to your desktop.
Run OTM, copy,then paste the following text in “Paste Instructions for Items to be Moved” window (under the yellow bar):

“Protection Center”=-

C:\Program Files\Protection Center


Click the red Moveit! button. If you are asked to reboot the machine choose Yes. When the tool is finished, it will produce a report for you.

3. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install and perform a scan.

What is, How to remove

Thursday, May 27th, 2010 is a malicious website

remove The site was created to spread Antispyware Soft. If your browser is redirected to, then you should immediately check your PC using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

IP Address:
Site addess:
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Description: is not related with legit security company and can only be seen on infected computers. The site used to promote the rogue antispyware program called Antispyware Soft.

How to remove: use the Antispyware Soft removal instructions or the steps below.
1. Download HijackThis from here and save it to your desktop. Most important, in the Save dialog, rename HijackThis.exe to iexplore.exe !!!
2. Run HijackThis. Main menu opens. Click to “Do a system scan only” button. After HijackThis completes the system scan, check the box to the left of the following items:

R1 – HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = http=
O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe
O4 – HKCU\..\Run: [{random}] C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Application Data\{random}\{random}tssd.exe

Please be very careful, do NOT check any other boxes! Next, click on Fix checked on the bottom left side of the HijackThis screen. Close HijackThis.
3. Download Malwarebytes Anti-malware. Install, perform a scan and let it remove what it found. Reboot afterwards (important).