PC_Antispyware2010.exe is main file of PC Antispyware 2010

This is a harmful program.

remove It is a component of malware or spyware, you should immediately remove it using an antivirus and antispyware program.
If that does not help, then ask us for help in the Spyware removal forum.

Name: PC_Antispyware2010
Filename: PC_Antispyware2010.exe
Registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run | PC Antispyware 2010

Command: C:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010\PC_Antispyware2010.exe
Startup Type: HKLM->Run
HijackThis Category: O4
HijackThis Line:

O4 – HKLM\..\Run: [PC Antispyware 2010] “C:\Program Files\PC_Antispyware2010\PC_Antispyware2010.exe” /hide

Description: main file of PC Antispyware 2010 (rogue antispyware program)

How to remove: use these PC Antispyware 2010 removal instructions.

3 Responses to “PC_Antispyware2010.exe is main file of PC Antispyware 2010”

  1. mary Says:

    help…the pc antispware 2010 downloaded onto my computer before i knew what was happening. I run AVG anti virus and anti spyware which says it put the trojan into the virus vault. now i can’t get it out of my computer though… I clicked on the removal on this page, which took me to PC tools spyware doctor which says it found more threats than before and wants to charge me 30$ per year for anti threat spyware which i already have.
    so i thought, wrong site, so i went to the down load of

  2. admin Says:

    Try these instructions http://www.myantispyware.com/2009/08/03/how-to-remove-pc-antispyware-2010-uninstall-instructions/ scroll down to “Use the following instructions to remove PC Antispyware 2010 (Uninstall instructions)”

  3. Corey Says:

    PCTOOLS Spyware Doctor will now remove the virus. I sent them infected files and and log information. They just put out the updated fix.

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